A. Policy and Privacy :
We really pay attention to and ensure the security of our customers' personal information, and we only collect personal information that we need for our internal interests, we only use your data and information for the purpose of being a medium related to our transactions with you.

We will keep your personal information as long as we are required by law or as long as the information is still related to the original purpose for which the information was collected.

B. Collection of Personal Information
We do not share, sell, buy your personal information collected online or with third parties. The information that has been collected will only be used for our internal purposes.When you create an account on the website, the information we collect includes :

C. Your personal information will be used for things such as:
D. Updating Your Personal Information 
You can update your personal information anytime by accessing your account on our website.

E. Security of Your Personal Information
We ensure that all information collected will be stored securely, and we will protect all your personal information by:

F. Computer Data Collection
When you visit the pradajaya.com site, our server will automatically record information that your browser sends, such as:

The information collected above is used for analysis and evaluation purposes in order to help us improve the sites and services we offer to you. This data will not be used in association with other personal information.

G. Changes to the Privacy Policy
We reserve the right to change and modify the privacy policy statement at any time. All policy changes will be posted on our website.

H. Complaints on Violation of Privacy
If you are not satisfied with how we have handled your complaint, do not hesitate to contact us at info@pradajaya.com

I. Pradajaya Rights
You understand and agree that pradajaya.com has the right to disclose your personal information to any law, regulation, government, tax, law enforcement or government or related rights owner. If pradajaya.com has reasonable grounds to believe that the disclosure of your personal information is necessary for any obligation, as a requirement or arrangement, whether voluntary or mandatory as a result of orders, examinations and or requests from related parties.

To the extent permitted by applicable law, in this case you agree not to make any claims against pradajaya.com for the disclosure of your personal information.